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Selectmen's Minutes 2/21/06
Selectmen’s Meeting  Minutes
February 21, 2006

Present:        Mark Gallivan, Jesse McSweeney and James Egan. (Christopher Colclough and Rebecca Coletta - absent),  Also present Executive Secretary Michael Finglas and Executive Assistant Meredith Marini.

7:35 p.m.       Chairman Gallivan called the meeting to order and lead the Pledge Allegiance.  He read the Public Announcements and upcoming meeting schedule.
Item I          New Business:  Adopt the National Incident Management System – Chief Hoyt was present and explained the NIMS.  He indicated that once the Town adopts the program, the Town will be eligible for additional grant monies.

MOTION by Egan, second by McSweeney that the Town of Hanson Adopt the principles and policies of the National Incident Management System (NIMS): formally recognize the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the local standard for incident management; and as such adopt the Incident Command System as the Town of Hanson’s official incident response system.  Voted 3 – 0

Item II         Resignation     Rebecca Coletta from Board of Selectmen.   Chairman Gallivan read the letter of resignation from Rebecca Coletta effective February 22, 2006.  He commended and thanked Mrs. Coletta for her contributions to the Town.  Mr. McSweeney and Mr. Egan expressed their gratitude for her service and wished her well.

MOTION by  McSweeney, second by Egan to accept with regret Mrs. Coletta resignation from the Board of Selectmen effective February 22, 2006.  Voted 3 – 0.

MOTION by  McSweeney, second by Egan that the Town Clerk place on the May 20, 2006 Town Election ballot the one-year term for Selectman created by the resignation of Rebecca Westerlund Coletta.  Voted 3 – 0.  

Item III        Community Septic Management Program funding $400,000.00  (Second Round).  Treasurer/Collector Jeanne Sullivan presented the Board with documentation to borrow additional funds for the Community Septic Management Program.  She indicated that $600,000.00 had already been borrowed and spent.  The program is very popular with several residents on a waiting list.  Sixty residents have benefited from the program.

MOTION by Egan, second by McSweeney that the Town shall issue a bond or bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $400,000 (the “Bonds”) pursuant to Chapters 29C and 111 of the General Laws and a vote of the Town passed  October 3, 2005 (Article 20), for a community septic management loan program (the “Project”);

(2)     That in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds the Treasurer is authorized to issue an interim loan note or notes (the “Notes”) from time to time in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $400,000.

(3)     That each Bond or Note shall be issued as a single registered security, and sold to the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust (the “Trust”) at a price determined pursuant to the Loan Agreement;

(4)     That the Treasurer is authorized to determine the date, the form, the maximum interest rate and the principal maturities of each Bond and Note, and to execute a Loan Agreement or Agreements with the Trust with respect to the sale of the Bonds and Notes, such date, form and maturities and specific interest rate or rates of the Bonds and Notes to be approved by a majority of the Board of Selectmen and the Treasurer and evidenced by their execution of the Bonds or Notes;

(5)     That all action taken to date by the Town and its officers and agents to carry out the Project and its financing, including the execution of any loan commitment or agreement by the Treasurer, are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed; and

(6)     That the Treasurer and other appropriate Town officials are each hereby authorized to take any and all actions necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this vote, including execution and delivery of the Loan Agreements and the Project Approval Certificate and Regulatory Agreements relating to the Project.   

Voted 3 – 0.

Item IV Executive Secretary’s Report  -         Mr. Finglas requested Mrs. Marini read the warrants approved on February 21, 2005, Payroll Warrant #33 in the amount of $97,066.30; Expense Warrant 33 - $2,888.52; Expense 33A - $68,272.97 and Expense warrant 32, negative amount of $125.67.

Item V          Old Business    - Review Applications for PCH Utilization Comm. – Matter table under March 14th due to quorum issues.   Review Budget – Tabled until March 14th

Request from the Conservation Commission -  Notice of Intent transfer – The Conservation Commission has requested a transfer in the amount of $1,500.00 from the Notice of Intent fund for the purchase of computer equipment.

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Egan to approve the Conservation Commission’s request to transfer $1,500.00 from the Notice of Intent fund in accordance with Wetland Protection Act HP S12.7.3.  Voted 3 – 0

Review Annual Town Meeting Articles – Tabled.

Item VI Approve Minutes Regular and Executive Session of February 7, 2006.

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Egan to approve the regular and executive session minutes of February 7, 2006 with the Executive Session minutes being held until the matter is resolved.  Voted 3 – 0   

Item VII        Committee Reports       Government Study – Mr. McSweeney reported that the committee held a special meeting regarding the creation of a DPW, which was very informative and the speakers all agreed Hanson should have a DPW.  The Committee will next meet with recreation and the water department.  Police Station Building – Mr. Gallivan indicated that the committee and architect are reviewing numbers for the project prior to sending it out to bid.  The Committee anticipates increase in costs due to Hurricane Katrina, increase in fuel costs and building costs.   Mr. Gallivan indicated that he had preliminary discussions with the Water Department relative to waiving the connections fees.  The Board requested a decision in writing.

MOTION by McSweeney, second by Egan to authorize the Executive Secretary to request a waiver of water fees for the Police Station Building project.  Voted 3 – 0.

The committee will be making a presentation to the Zoning Board of Appeals on March 7, 2006.

MOTION by Egan, second by McSweeney to adjourn.  Voted 3 – 0.

8:27 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

                                Respectfully submitted by
                                Meredith Marini